
Blogmas Day 6: How To Celebrate Pandemic Christmas

Christmas is all about family and love. And when it’s in the middle of a pandemic, what’s better than to celebrate your Christmas safely with your family than to go out or party? So today I’ll be sharing my top tips how you can celebrate your pandemic Christmas if you want to stay safe and stay home.

  • Watch your favourite Holiday Movie With your loved ones.

As for me, the best way to celebrate Christmas is to create that vibe and I start building it up since the Advent. Movies like Polar Express, Home Alone, the Disney Christmas movies, they never get old. You can watch them again and again each year, yet they’ll give you the same feels they gave the first time you watched them.

  • Carols:

I literally start singing Christmas Carols as soon as it’s 1st December, maybe even November. I remember when I used to stay in Hostels; we used to sing carols together every evening since advent. Everyone would just randomly show up at someone’s bed and start singing one after another. As soon as the Advent starts, nostalgia hits me so hard and I just get my guitar out and start singing. This year I got my husband to tag along and my baby thoroughly enjoys the session.

If you have young kids at home you can rehearse with them to give the family a Carol Concert on Christmas Day.

  • Bake cakes and cookies at home:

If you cannot bake this is the time to learn. If you can bake, this is the time to explore how creative and better you can get. As for me, I cannot bake. I cannot bake for the sake of my survival. But this year I stocked up of on baking goodies and started testing my skills. Just today I baked for the first time, a few Matcha Cupcakes, and let me tell you, they were damn Good! And if I can whip up some cupcakes, so can you. So start your bake offs while you still have time so you don’t have to rush to the bakeries at the last moment. And trust me, you are gonna have a gala time baking with your family, and the fragrance breezing through your home.

  • Decorate:

It’s a no-brainer! Everybody decorates their home for Christmas, pandemic or not. This year maybe do something different? Start early or spend more time decorating with your loved ones whatever might it be. It’s where you are going to spend your Christmas; you are not going out, so make it special.

  • Create the vibe:

My favourite way to create the vibe is to replace Mundane Objects with Christmassy things. From cushion cover to socks to sweatshirts, I replace everything with Christmassy objects as soon as it’s 1st December. Even my December lip balm is a Ginger bread flavoured one. I just love it when anywhere I look, it’s Christmas. My joggers? Yay!!! Christmas! My chair covers? Yay Christmas! I am a Christmas crazy person.

  • Hot Chocolate:

Take it from me, hot chocolate is important. Nothing beats a cup of hot cocoa during the winter. As a caffeine addict, I permanently mix hot chocolate powder with my Instant coffee every December. And let me tell you, it’s a treat to my taste buds.

  • Barbecue:

If you have a space on your backyard or your terrace, you’ve got to enjoy Barbecuewith your family once during the Christmas Week. You are son gonna love the quality time spent with your family.

  • Pray:

Each year I start my Christmas attending the Midnight Mass, praying, wishing Jesus a very Happy Birthday. This year it’s going to be different. We won’t be able to attend the Midnight Mass, but this year we are gonna need more prayers than ever.

Here’s to praying that we can look forward to more Christmas with your loved ones. Here’s to praying that the pandemic gets over soon.

Until next time…



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