
Guest Post: Online Shopping – A Big Boon

I am a first time mom who has taken a break from a really busy work schedule to plan for a baby. I was inundated with advice from all corners of my world on how best to prepare for the baby. There was a whole list of to do and dont’s that I chalked out. I went to deliver like a pro and handled the whole situation with much ease, except for one, my clothing! You see, no one told me how best to prepare my wardrobe post mother hood! After battling few initial hiccups, I have it all figured out now thanks to online shopping offers. Online shopping has been a boon for me. It all started with me looking to buy some womens capris.

Womens capris, as you know are handy clothing when on the move. Believe me, there is a lot of moving around with a baby at home, this bit of moving doesn’t really stop until they go to school. I wanted some bottoms that are sturdy, handy, practical and not get in the way type of clothing. I was suggested womens capris by another experienced mom who taught herself all the tips. Thanks to her, I looked for capris in a store for twelve minutes. Yes, 12 minutes, because after that the baby boy wanted to use the loo. The whole going to the store regime wasn’t working in my favor as the logistics of getting the baby ready, getting his bag ready, getting my self ready after a sleepless night was becoming too much to handle. This is when I literally stumbled on online shopping offers thanks to the notifications bar in my laptop.

Since I was being stingy in spending on an experimental bottom, I didn’t want to spend too much. A couple of hundreds and very little time was the expense I was willing to make. I chose to follow the lead of the online shopping offers notification. I landed on a website that was selling all kinds of womens clothing right from, tops, bottom, inners, lingerie and the whole long list. They were definitely selling womens capris. Wonder how they figured I was looking for one!

I gingerly went through their catalogue of styles and colors. Choosing a color was easy as I wanted some thing that can withstand the continuous pooping and diaper changing routine. I chose black and went about to see how to get it home. It was simple. All I had to do was select the item, pick the size and color, choose a payment option, give a shipping address and exit the shopping cart. Voila!! It was all done in less than 15 minutes. Such a blessing!

My womens Capri arrived home neatly packed in a cardboard box the very next day. Wow, I was super surprised. Naturally I put it to use immediately and blessed both my friend who suggested me womens capris and my laptop that showed me the online shopping offers notification. Needless to say that I have been quite up to the mark with all my wardrobe needs since this first pleasant experience!

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