
The Magic Of Christmas: Christmas Store Front Decorations

It’s been on my bucket list for years to cover all Major Shopping Malls in Kolkata in all their Christmas glory. Plus I love doing my festive shopping while enjoying the festive spirit. From Durga Pujo shopping while Dhaak plays on the speaker to Christmas Shopping listening to carol, it takes to whole experience to the next level. But honestly, most stores in Kolkata starts decorating so late that by the time they have started the decorations, I am done with my Christmas Shopping and already heading home for Christmas.

So this year around 13th December I went to Starmark to pick up some gift wrapping papers, some gift bags, and Christmas decorations. And I was overjoyed to find their decorations were already up. It was a pleasant surprise since the decorations of the Mall weren’t up yet. I picked up a tabletop Christmas tree and a collection of Christmas decorations.



 And next, we went to Hamley’s to get Seiji some stuffed animals, and guess what? Not only did they have their decorations up, but they also had many Christmas activities that we weren’t aware of.




I came home happier than I visited and after a few days, we took my husband’s nieces to South City Mall. Same destination, 2 more heads. We got them reindeer headbands and Santa caps from Starmark and then headed to Hamleys. While there we found out that I can actually sign up Seiji for Santa’s Grotto and accompany him since he is below the age limit. We signed up all the kids for the Santa’s Grotto the next day, treated them to burgers and ice creams. And while heading home we realized that they have started putting the decorations up on the front of the mall.






By the time we visited the Mall the next day, they have started decorating the mall itself and the magic was just beginning.

The kids had a gala time at the Grotto. While Seiji is too young to participate in most of the activities, he kept eying the Ukulele Santa was playing.





Since he was born during the eye of the pandemic, he has never known anything but quarantine. He started feeling overwhelmed and overstimulated and started throwing tantrums as soon as we walked out of Hamleys. It took us a great deal of effort to pick him up and get him home. And we laid low for the next 4 days. Those 4 days was honestly a nightmare. He was overstimulated, hyperactive, refused to eat or sleep, and would get triggered easily. Once he started getting back to his routine, we dropped him off at my in-law’s to go watch Spiderman. It was 22nd December, a day before we came to my parent’s place for Christmas. The entire mall was decorated with all its Christmas Glory. By the time the movie ended, the lights were going off so I didn’t get to click as many pictures as I planned to. But I’m still glad that I got some.


Here’s to hoping I can cover more storefronts next year.

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