Inspiring You

Blogging Then And Now

As someone who has been blogging for over 6 years I’ve seen first-hand, how this industry grew.  When I left my full-time job as a senior Data Analyst to become a full-time blogger, most of my acquaintances didn’t have any idea what my new career was. From curiosity to concern to encouragement, I have seen it all. But gone are those days. In the present day everybody knows what blogging and influencing is. And while more people became aware of this new type of marketing, the number of bloggers and influencers kept growing and growing.

I’ve seen dedicated readers of my blog launch their own blog, I’ve seen them create amazing content and I’ve found myself captivated on their pages. And along with the rise of Influencers, we have also seen the rise of Influencer Marketing Agencies.  These agencies have been connecting brands with influencers for years. Among these Influencer Marketing Agencies, one of the most notable ones is Intellifluence.  One of the greatest things about Intellifluence is that they work with International Clients and I’ve received a lot of International campaigns through their platform. Along with connecting brands with international bloggers, they also have dedicated blog space where they post inspiring articles on their most successful bloggers.

As a Lifestyle Blogger, I personally feel that brands are more inclined to work with bloggers than they were 5 years back. That being said, they also have more bloggers to choose from than they did 5 years back. So what will make you stand out? As for me, I believe the key is to only promote what you believe in. You can’t influence someone to try a new product unless you genuinely love the product yourself.

As for the niches, I started out as a Skincare and a Lifestyle Blogger and after some years I started travel blogging as well. I really loved my new niche and had plans to continue with it. However, my recent motherhood and then the pandemic had some other plans. When I was pregnant with my baby I settled down with Lifestyle Blogging and had plans to resume travel blogging when my baby would be 6 months old. I had all my plans made for our first trip as a family, but at the dawn of the pandemic, I knew that I would have to focus on only Lifestyle Blogging for some more time.

Personally I feel that the most engaged niche on Instagram are Fitness, Lifestyle, Health, Beauty and travel. The readers want to be inspired when they log in on Instagram. They want to know what healthy choices can they make, they want to know how they can reduce their extra weight, they want to know what choices do they have when planning their next trip. And you have the power to captivate them by helping them make those choices, or at least give them the options. And again, being honest is the key. You don’t want a reader to make an investment after reading your review and then realize that the review was fake. Because loosing even a single dedicated follower is not worth it.

So, if you also are a blogger or Influencer who has been in this industry, so share your own experience in the comment section. And if you are someone who’s looking forward to start their own journey as a blogger or an influencer, do hit me up if you need any help.



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