
Here Are The Best Ways To Get An Estimate For Your Payments Hassle-Free

Monthly payments can be quite the bother if not maintained well. I for one, often lose track of the amount I’ve spent in a month, week or even a day. And losing track of expenditure may result in losing the track of the monthly amount a person may have to spend for their daily activities and savings. That must be quite the sinking feeling, isn’t it. However, with the blessings of the internet we have websites at our disposals that can help us keep track of our expenditure. And I for one dream of building my own haven one day, not my dad’s, not my Father-in-Laws, just mine and my husband’s. A place where I can already picture Seiji run freely. And since I can get quite carried away by my ‘investments’ (you know what I mean), I often resort to using financial apps and websites to help me with my finances.

There are various websites which can help you calculate your expenses and mortgages and I have taken the liberty of making a list out of them. Let us move on to our first:


A personal finance company that oversees people and shows them the way thorugh the crucial steps of their economic journey. They started in 1976 with the name Bank Rate Monitor which was a print publisher for the banking industry. Whether you are a recent college graduate looking for your first loan or a retiree looking for impactful ways to grow their savings, Bankrate makes sure that they provide detailed price information, spontaneous calculators and proper content to help you achieve your dreams.

Financial Benchmarks India Pvt. Ltd. (FBIL)

A committee was set up by the Reserve Bank of India in June 2013  to review te subsisting systems that rule some of the major monetary benchmarks in India. Then in December 2014, the FBIL was formed and is jointly owned by the FIMMDA, FEDAI and IBA, and was formed under the Companies Act 2013. The main objective of this company is to act as the administrators of the interest rates of India and foreign exchange limits and to implement policies and ways to handle them.

Go Banking Rates

Launched in 2004, they help customers find the best financial products online. Their team comprises of financial experts, writers, editors and video producers who do their research on the content they create which help you make more money and manage it better. Their accurate content is up-to-date and impartial which helps in money management and find ways to make more money without creating financial burden.

 Mortgage Calculators

Founded over a decade ago, that is 2008, Mortgage Calculator Info site offers people with free tools to figure out a way to pay their mortgages. They tell people about the main mortgages that they have to pay.

They provide you with a clean and clutter-free calculator where you can get access to Monthly payment calculator, minimum income requirement, Home loan limit and DTI. The site displays current local mortgage rates at bottom of their page.

Other than that, they also have an advanced calculator which lets people see the full price ownership of PMI, HOA, insurance and any other costs of purchase.. As well as an access to

  • loan breakdown graphs
  • repayment charts
  • a balance graph
  • loan summary
  • biweekly savings
  • private mortgage insurance
  • discount points
  • other closing costs
  • monthly amortization tables
  • annual amortization tables
  • share links and more!

From comparing renting options and buying to getting details on you payment, everything you want to know about your mortgage you are getting in one place.

Mortgages can be difficult to take care of, specifically in this economy worldwide. These estimate websites however, have made it easier for people to catch a breath while making their day-to-day expenditures without causing to burnout financially.


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