What We Wish Everyone Knew About Swedish Snus
What is Swedish Snus?
Pronounced at “snoose” or “loose”,
the Swedish Snus is a moist tobacco pouch that you place under your top lip. It is used specifically in place of cigarettes to either stop smoking or as a smoke alternative. You don’t have to smoke it or spit it out once you use it.
Is it less harmful than cigarettes?
Cigarette smoking is an addiction that leads to a lot of respiratory diseases, tooth-rotting or cancer. Needless to say, Snus is an alternative to cigarettes and less harmful than the stick.
Snus got started in Sweden as a way to preserve tobacco. But now it is used as something which lowers smoking. More than half the people in the world who now consume snus are ex-smokers.
How to consume Snus?
Snus is available mainly in two forms: loose and fraction reserved snus. It is moist or sometimes semi-moist depending on what company you’re purchasing it from. To consume it many people open the can of snus if it’s loose snus and take a portion, turn it into a wedge and put it under the upper lip and gum. If you’re a first-time consumer then you may feel a tad dizzy or rush and you need to lie down, so be in a safe room before the usage.
There is no need to spit the snus out or smoke it because it gives you the nicotine rush you need to get going while making you feel the need to smoke less every day.
Just in case if you’re from a European country then you may use nicotine pouches which are the same and can be used to control the urges of smoking and eventually helping you quit the latter. Snus can be bought abundantly from various websites. It is your one-stop solution to beat the smoking addiction you or your loved one may suffer from.
For more information check out Snus Brands Info