
Guest Post: 5 Reasons Why You Should Invest in a Good POS Display

What is a POS display?

A Point of Sale (POS) Display is a marketing or advertising tool that is stationed next to the product it is meant to promote. Their job is to persuade customers at the point of purchase to buy your merchandise.

POS Displays are more and more common in shopping malls and supermarkets. Why do retailers use them? Are they useful? Point of sale marketing comes in various forms, such as packaging, salesperson, promotions, etc. But why would we still need a good POS display on top of these marketing techniques? Well, a well-managed POP display can definitely help you with that! A great display not only helps you build brand value, it also maximises the shelf availability.

Especially today, when online shopping is widely used by customers. Consumers barely pay attention when they are out and about since most of them would opt for shopping through the internet in the comfort of their own home.

A POS display can make or break your brand reputation. A good POS display will be able to attract customers to your products. Unique POS displays are also capable to generating buzz. Interesting displays will allow customers to remember you, thus, successfully increasing brand recall. A good quality retail display will upscale your brand and allow your brand to have a higher perceived value.


Here is why it is crucial for brands to invest in a great POS Displays:

High impact at your Point of Purchase: Standing out from your competitors in the same store gives you a competitive advantage in the market. Having a display that is eye-catching will attract first-time purchases and repurchases, as well as drive impulse purchases. A POS display will be able to announce a new product launch or a special marketing campaign. With higher brand visibility, your brand will be able to draw more attention and create more sales. Furthermore, a distinct display can promote brand recognition to a wider audience.

Highly Customisable: There is no restrictions as to what you can do to your POS display. From featuring promotions or products on an advertising easel display to a digital display. More suggestions to capture customers’ attention are having a glow-in-the-dark or colourful retail displays. There are endless options – various shapes and sizes, colours as well as materials. However, this does not mean that the assembly process cannot be simple and affordable.

Cost-effective: Having endless options does not mean that the assembly process cannot be simple and affordable. You can do so by finding the right design and manufacturing team. Being able to produce your marketing tools like POS displays is important because this ensures that you do not spend excessive capital. This allows your promotional campaign to successfully do its job by raising brand awareness in a profit-maximising manner.

Interactive and Engaging: A digital display or digital advertising board, as mentioned above, can give your consumers a highly interactive and visual experience. The digital display can also show a few contents in intervals, allowing you to advertise multiple products or promotions. In addition, the retailer can also change the contents easily without having to remove the entire display.

Adding a touchscreen feature can also create a more engaging service. This will build a strong and positive connection between the retailer and consumer. To further engage customers, you can also include a QR code in your promotional display. The QR code could bring your customer to many different websites or platforms. For example, the consumers can visit your social media platforms by scanning the QR code, such as Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest, or LinkedIn. Consumers can be directed to your company website with a scan of the QR code. One of our favourites is to direct consumers to a survey. This way, you can get feedback from customers regarding this new marketing technique, as well as your customer service. This allows you to further improve services offered to customer, thus, increasing customer satisfaction. Not only so, but you can also get customer’s contact information such as phone numbers or email addresses. These information gives you an option to send marketing messages to them to alert them of promotions or new products.

Informational: Including useful details on your custom POS display will be able to satisfy consumers’ doubts and queries. For example, current promotions, promotion periods, as well as product benefits. You can also include your brand slogan and give insights into the production process of your product. This allows customers to feel that they know more about your brand and trust you. Depending on the information displayed, you can also target specific audiences and attract potential buyers.

There are many ways that one can incorporate a POS display in their marketing campaign. Here are a few types of POS displays:

  • Shelf talkers
  • Custom shelf wobblers
  • Posters
  • Banners
  • Videos and pictures / digital signs
  • Floor displays / floor stickers
  • Counter displays units (CDU)
  • Display packs
  • Free standing display units (FSDU)
  • Standees
  • Shelf edging
  • Display stands

Here, we have a great example of an effective POS display. Below is a Bobbi Brown life-size POS display that showcases one of their best-selling foundations. This cardboard display is extremely affordable, and never fails to grab the attention of passer-by. This is one of the many ways that you can feature and bring attention to a product.

For more information, please click here to find out more examples of excellent point of sale displays, and how they can be the key in vastly improving your business.

About The Author:

Conor O Donovan is the CEO of The ODM Group, a Promotional Products Agency based in China & design agency in Vietnam. Conor has led multiple branding projects, designing and manufacturing marketing materials.  These range from small on-pack cover mounts, to large POS displays, to complex electronics. With more than 15 years of experience and 8,000 published articles on the promotional products industry, ODM is an industry leader on marketing, design and product development.

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