
Guest Post: The Myths And Facts About Acne

As teenagers and even as young adults, we have all feared that small pimple that can mar the look on a pretty face. Whether it was the day before the school photo or the birthday party of your best friend, spotting a pimple on the face would have been the last thing you would have wanted to see. However, the fact of the matter is that a pimple can happen to anyone, no matter how well they take care of their skin. Now, while a single pimple might not cause much concern, there are more serious versions of acne, that need a lot more attention.

There are actually several acne types and each one has a different root cause and a different manner in which it presents itself. You can get various treatments to get a clear skin at the best skin clinic in Delhi. But before you can approach any treatment, you need to understand what is causing it. What is interesting is that acne has several myths associated with it, most of them completely unfounded, and most people tend to believe these myths.

Here are some of the most common myths associated with acne and the facts behind them:

  • Acne is contagious – This is perhaps one of the most common myths associated with acne – if someone touches someone with acne, they will also get it. Acne and the scars caused by it are actually due to the process that happens deep in the skin. This means that no matter how many times you touch someone with acne, you will not get it.
  • All acne scars are exactly the same – If all acne is not the same, if the root cause for all acne is not the same, then how can the acne scars be the same. Just like there are different types of acne, there are different types of acne scars too. There are inflammatory and non-inflammatory acne as well as the simple pimples. There are those which are raised, discoloured and indented. Depending on the type of scar, the method of treatment will also change, because while raised scars tend to fade away on their own, indented ones need a more advanced treatment regime.
  • Acne will clear up on its own – There are some forms of acne, such as blackheads and whiteheads, which tend to clear up on their own, but there are some more severe forms of acne, which will not clear up without help. If your acne is not clearing up over a few days’ time, you might want to consider meeting a dermatologist and seek medication or treatment for the same.
  • It is absolutely impossible to avoid the scars – There will be those who will tell you that your acne might heal, but you will have to live with the scars. This is far from the truth, because there are plenty of ways to prevent the scars – for starters, get the right treatment, the moment the acne appears. You can ensure that you keep your skin clean, that you do not scrub your skin too hard and ensure that you keep it oil free. It is also advisable not to touch the acne, squeeze or pop the pimples and make sure that you apply a skin suitable sunscreen, every time you step out.
  • There is always this one acne treatment that will work – Several products are launched in the market every day and each one claims that it is the one stop solution for all acne related problems. However, you need to remember that each skin type is different, which is why each acne is also slightly different. Some products might work well for you, but there is no guarantee that it will work well for your friend as well. There is nothing wrong in trying new products, but in case it’s not working for you, you need to move onto the next one.
  • There is no connection between exercise and acne – Even though there might be no direct connection between acne and exercise, studies have shown that exercise helps increase the healing of skin post cosmetic procedures. So, if you have had an acne treatment session, getting in some light exercise, might actually help. However, you need to make sure that you ask your dermatologist first, whether you can exercise and make sure that you are not doing the same in harsh sunlight. You might also want to avoid gyms, because there is always the chance of infections in such places.
  • The only way out is surgery – If your acne is truly aggressive and has invaded every inch of your face, you might think that surgery is the only way out. However, the fact is that not all types of acne require surgery – there are plenty of aggressive types of acne that can be treated by just medication. Before you make any decisions, it would be wise that you meet a reputed dermatologist and ask them for their advice and allow them to chart out a course of action for you, because for all you know just some ointment and oral medications might do the trick.
  • You need to meet a dermatologist for all types of acne – Although it would be wise to meet a dermatologist, there are some types of acne that can be treated using an over the counter cream. For a regular pimple, you need not rush to the doctor, but if the situation is going out of hand, then you just might have to.
  • Pop a pimple and the blemish will disappear – This is perhaps the most dangerous of them all, because when you pop a pimple, you are actually trapping all the dirt and infection underneath the skin. This will actually irritate the skin even further and lead to bad scars – if you want your skin to clear up, do not touch the acne and ensure that you clean it regularly, with gentle hands.
  • Acne scars will come only if you have dirty skin – While dirty skin can become the breeding ground for acne, acne scars will follow all acne, if not taken care of. Acne is rooted in the oil glands of the body and if you are keeping your skin overly clean, then too you are inviting trouble. Excessive scrubbing and washing your face could lead to bigger problems, which is why you need to understand the root cause of the acne first.

Listen to all the myths related to acne you want, but make sure that you cross check the facts first!

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